– Social Media Monitoring and Engaging Platform Veooz (pronounced as “views”) helps you to get a quick overview, understand and draw valuable insights from the views/opinions expressed by hundreds of millions of users on different social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, News Sites, Blogs, etc. We track views/opinions expressed by social media…
Leadership Team
Srini Koppolu – Chairman Srini comes with many years of experience in innovating new products, driving global R&D; initiatives, building large scale organizations from scratch. Prior to joining SETU as a chairman Srini was Corporate Vice President and Managing Director of Microsoft India Development Center. Srini was involved in many strategic initiatives throughout his 21…
Automated Text Summarization
Automated Text Summarization Text summarization techniques are used by people to reduce the problem of information overload. SETU summarization technology was also built on the same lines using state-of-the-art techniques to reduce the problem of information overload. It provides the end user with a concise and highly informative summary covering all the aspects of a…
Information Extraction
There is huge amount of digital text which is rapidy expanding. With the growth of Web 2.0, online communities are contributing to content on the web thereby causing an explosion of online media. Who are the consumers of this content? How can they benefit from it? Obviously, a normal web surfer would consume such information…
Local Language Search
SETU offers local language search engines for many world languages. Currently our systems are accessible live on web. SETU’s Indian language search engine is deployed at Rediff – Indian Language Search. Currently our technology can search from more than 70 different world languages. The languages cover most of the languages spoken in Scandinavian, Eastern and…